Friday, September 21, 2007

Llámame Lola

A few years ago I stumbled on this little Jewel of a video blog. It is constantly updated by a Spanish publicist and has easy to access commercials that are hard to find in the web.

If you have time, go there and have a good laugh.

Word of caution: sometimes they have very racy stuff over there... those Europeans!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why Brazilianism?

Brazilianists are people that are supposed to have a sanitized North American vision of Brazil just because they where born overseas.
I'm here in Canada, so far from my tropical origins that this brain pasteurization only took place because of my frail memory. When we where rushing to the airport in May 1990, I barely had time to take a snapshot of the life I was leaving behind.
As my brazilian friens abhor writing plus the then incredible high price of phone calls, my longing for the mother land became slowly a vague blurry memory - a brazilianist by abandon.
Here you can find a more critical, elaborated and very acid vision of Brazilianism Read at your own risk of boredom.